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We offer choice selections of tools for your kitchen plus efficient household cleaning solutions. We enjoy the simplified life!

Food is cooked to a crispy texture using little to no oil, with the power of hot air which circulates around the ingredients evenly with our Harmony Air Fryers.

Prep, season and flavor your dishes in no time with effective, space saving kitchen gadgets.

Le Coucou’s Cordless Mops SC-D1 & SC-168 have a bottom vibrating plate that will mop the floor back and forth with a frequency reaching up to 1,000 times per minute.

Finally, your kitchen is efficient.

Been looking for a better garlic press? An easier to push mop which causes less strain? An extra counter top cooker for your crispy chicken wings that isn't a deep fryer? At Le Coucou we offer all of these solutions and more. You can find an assortment of convenient kitchen tools as well as household cleaning products all in one place.

Enjoy the Simplicity of Cooking and Cleaning!

Le Coucou kitchen offers choice selections of great tools for your kitchen and has efficient household cleaning solutions. We enjoy the simplified life and so should you!

We first launched on Amazon.com in July 2015. We have many great reviews and customer feedback since then. Our Harmony Air Fryers help you prepare snacks and meals with little to no oil and on average with 70% less fat. Make cooking fast, healthy and enjoyable with our products which help improve cooking efficiency.

In 2017 we introduced our new product line of Cordless Le Coucou Mops which use vibration power to make your cleaning experience more efficient and with less effort and strain. Clean, dry and polish your hardwood, manufactured and tile floors to perfection with the mop pad attachments which come with our package.

Contact us

We are located at: 1155 Tasman Drive, Sunnyvale, California, 94089, United States of America

Phone: 408-739-2329 or 408-746-5918.

Our Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-Noon and 1pm-5:30pm PST.

Contact Email: Sales@lecoucoukitchen.com