Ravages voir ce film regarder en ligne 1280

The word ravage can be used as a noun or a verb meaning destruction or to destroy. In a war, bombs and the attacking army will ravage the country under siege.

When ravage is used as a noun, you usually see it in the plural. Beware of the ravages of drugs on your body and your life. The city has almost been destroyed by the ravages of poverty and disaster. Often you see it paired with the word, time, to describe how things fall apart as they age. The ravages of time may be apparent in the lined faces and hunched postures of your grandparents.

Definitions of ravage

v cause extensive destruction or ruin utterly

reduce to ruins

destroy completely; damage irreparably

v make a pillaging or destructive raid on (a place), as in wartime

destroy completely; damage irreparably

n (usually plural) a destructive action

“the ravages of time”

an event (or the result of an event) that completely destroys something

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